Vogue Brazil has done many scary things in the past few years, but the fashion story in the current March issue may have just topped all previous atrocities printed in the magazine.
The cover of the issue with Freja Beha photographed by Henrique Gendre looked promising, but the fashion story that accompanies it is just wrong on every level. The concept (or lack there of) is an editorial previously published in British Vogue shot by Patrick Demarchelier paired with awful pictures of Princess Paola de Orleans e Bragança shot by newcomer Renam Christofoletti. Can someone please tell me what the connection is between the two images that have been paired?
If I were Mr. Demarchelier, I would honestly never allow one of my stories to run in Vogue Brazil again after seeing that. One thing would be to run pictures by Demarchelier next to pictures by Arthur Elgort, but running his pictures next to what is probably the worst work I have seen from Renam Christofoletti is a bit of an insult. And btw, each page has the photographer's name written on the corner as if it isn't obvious which pictures are by Demarchelier. Even my dog can tell the difference.
If there is a positive side to it, though, is that it clearly shows the contrast between the quality of work produced by British Vogue and the work produced by Vogue Brazil. And a tip to the editors, publishing mediocre work next to good work only makes it look even more mediocre.