There Is Fuel For Life In Marlon's Pants


Marlon Teixeira photographed by Terry Richardson for Diesel's new fragrance collection.


Is that some bad photoshop disaster? Wow... so incredible fake it's hard to believe Diesel is gonna run this ad.

Marlon looking incredible hot as always, tho.

that's sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I said the same thing when I saw it On MM Scene, Horrendous photoshop job, They should be fired and sent back to school and the one that approved it as well. Marlon Deserve better so, disappointed. What where they smoking, doesn't make me even want to go near the fragrance. I'm not sure crotch smell is very becoming... Awful Campaign Idea... Poor Marlon he's so Adorable. Thats just Bad, And not in a Good way. Booooooooo...

Oh, wait a minute please. Is this the actual ad?? Are we really sure?? In that case I agree with Mattl and Dannyboi2. Oh, and with saul too.

WTF !!! If someone from Diesel is joking, it's not funny at all...

I hope they fire the person who created this ad. And the person who approved it as well.

not bad...

BRILLIANT IDEA !!!! BRAVOOO!!!and to all of you guys out there... the MEGA model Marlon Teixeira MADE IT happen !!!

Its exactly what we need! The product right inside Marlon's crotch! Both objects of desire together! F... off

modificaram até o tradicional muro branco do Terry!

Marlon looks so sexy there!

I think it's hot.

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