André Ziehe By Adam Gardiner


He is just such a great model. Really glad I got to work with him recently.


WOW! Just died and gone to Ziehe Heaven!!!

Look at the two bulges on the second photo. Just look at that. What else does a person need for his/her life except for a man with those curves? Ziehe is extremely masculine, with a gorgeous face and a very broad jaw line, like a Picasso.

We've been talking about other boys recently but we cannot forget Evandro and Andre. They are still in the pantheon of the very best Male Models.

No one wears briefs quite like Andre. I don't necessarily think he is that amazing from every angle but these pics really are perfection. Beautiful curves!

MIB, do you mean that Ziehe will be at MIB Magazine #3? Please keep us updated!

he is really beautiful, gonna keep an eye on him. but what ever happened to bernardo velasco?

I've seen a lot of these guys in person in NYC and I think you'd be surprised how much better some people look in pictures than they do in person. Andre doesn't fall into that category, he's truly as striking and stunning in person as he is on film. While Marlon, whom everyone on this site drools over, looks like a mouse and I barely even noticed him

LALA has something worthwhile to say. André is an extremely refined male specimen, tall, muscular, masculine, and with the cutest butt of all brazilian models. I remember MIB posted some videos of him just smiling to the camera. It could melt your heart.

omg, he's delicious! i could eat him with a spoon!

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