Francisco Lachowski By Marcelo Krasilcic For Ten Men



Always thought Francisco Lachowski and Marcelo Krasilcic would be a perfect combo. View more scans from the new spring/ summer issue of Ten Men after the jump.






I love these!

what's the point on turning him into a girl?! that's disgusting..

This is very gender blurring. It is not my favorite style, but it is interesting to see nonetheless!

I can't see the point in this styling, seriously, it didn't look cool, it looked much more tasteless than interesting.

Pardon my comment but I don't like your choice of fashion. It doesn't meet with my taste. Though it looks interesting and I don't mind people wearing them as long as it makes them happy.

This fashion does "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING" to and for the "male psyche! It's horrible and should not be worn. Where are the masculine attributes!!!! YUK! YUK! YUK!

Guys,it's fashion,not a shoot for a gay magazine where the guy must sell his attributes.If you don't like it,amen.
It's good when a photographer fuck the stereotypes in the face.When you have a good model,you don't feel insecure,so you face a challenge.
"that's disgusting.."
Felipe Get a therapist.

Wow, some extremely stupid comments, from people who nothing about fashion, and can only appreciate hot guys in underwear shots. These pics are cool, and Francisco looks great

prada prada prada and francisco love love

Great FUN styling. Sometimes you have to understand that fashion and style have no rules. Life cannot be all cookie cutter - if it was as men who happen to be gay we would have no place in it.

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