Too Hot For Monday: Marco Da Silva In Junior Magazine



The current issue of Junior features a spread with dancer and DJ Marco da Silva photographed by Paulo Cabral. View more scans of the story after the jump.




Too hot indeed, wow!

He says he is shy in bed. I think it is BS.... he must be a daredevil.

Ei morro por esse homem, é muito gato e dança demais.

This guy is such a walking cliche. I've never found him the least bit sexy.

he'd be totally hot if it weren't for all those fug tattoos-yuck!

So gorgeous, so hot!!!!!!!!!!

He is sexy, but doesnt have your own stile as DJ yet...

He is so friggin' hot; send him my way.

Oh, what a man! O_o

I've seen Marco dance with Kylie several times and the man is sizzling! If anyone says he's not sexy then there's some jealousy going on. This is what masculinity is all about!

Wow! nice body! And I love the tattoos! Hot!

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