One Transexual Woman And Two Gay Men In Big Brother Brazil 11


The eleventh season of Big Brother Brazil premiered last week, but since I was away on vacation until this past weekend I hadn't been watching it. Last season there were three openly gay contestants on the show, and the producers decided to top that this season with a transexual cast member who  also used to be a prostitute called Ariadna. Up until last night, she hadn't revealed to any of her cast mates that she is a transexual woman, but given that she is up for elimination tonight, she finally opened up to the two gay men on the show, Lucival and Daniel. Other cast members seem to have suspicions about her sexuality, but no one has brought it up so far.

I haven't become familiar with the cast members this season yet given that I started watching the show last night, but I would love for Ariadna not to be sent home on the first week, so am asking you guys to take the time to vote for either Janaína or Lucival to be eliminated today.


I guess exists a blonde lesbian too in the gay cast.

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