No, I do not think that spread is groundbreaking in any shape or form, and I find the styling so full of clichés and cheap it is almost insulting. However, I am loving Martha Streck so much lately that I had to post those pictures. The fact that she is joined by Alex Schultz, Israel Hamann, and Pedro Bissi in swimsuits doesn't really hurt either.
Can Santa Claus please bring Vogue Brazil a new staff and decent content for next year?
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Quelle horreur! Mon Dieu!!!! it's becoming worse and worse.... it doesn't stop? Hahahahahaha that's ridiculous.
Posted by: vic | 12/01/2010 at 09:14 AM
Mas como vc fala mal do trabalho dos outros! Queria ver vc no lugar deles! Deixa o recalque de lado, gosto não se discute! Até parece qeu tudo que vc posta aí no seu blog é de qualidade, a começar pelos modelos!
Posted by: oswaldo aranha | 12/01/2010 at 12:16 PM