The Hottest Brazilian Of 2010 Is Mateus Verdelho



With 24.4% of your votes, Mateus Verdelho was elected the hottest Brazilian of the year for the second year in a row here on Made In Brazil. Marlon Teixeira came in second with 21.3% of the votes, and Arthur Sales ranked in third with 19.7% of the votes.

I was lucky enough to work with Mateus twice this past year, and I am definitely looking forward to working with him again in 2011. View more pictures and a video of Mateus after the jump.





All pictures of Mateus Verdelho by Cristiano Madureira.


marlon is hottest!!!


Omg! Yes! He is a very hot. ;]

He use to be one of my favorites until he got those arm tattoos.

I still think that Lovely Arthur is the most beautiful.

I can see why-- but I also think he should be Hottest Human of 2010.

Nice tats...kissing sweet lips...yummie nipples...
And he can ride me with his skateboard!!!

Although this hottie did NOT receive my vote--from perusing his pictorials here I can see why he took the honor. I find him to be extremely scorchingly-hot! Yummmmmmmmmmmy!

What about Diego Miguel???
He has a incredible face and his body is perfect.

He's hot, but my heart still belongs to Caua Reymond. Happy New Year!

I think he is the hottest person to ever be alive ever.

I guess there's no accounting for some people's taste. Not my choice, but to each his own. And so forth.

My mouth is ready to devour this beauty from head to toe: front and back! He's so succulent looking, oozing with a plethora of sexiness as well as sensualness!!!! So friggin' hot, hot, hot!

Sammy, I loved your comment and truly concur! Let us both own it, por favor!!!!

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