Photographed by Fabio Bartelt and brilliantly styled by Paulo Martinez with accessories developed exclusively for the story by Frank Dezeuxis and Clessi Cardoso. View more scans after the jump.
The new issue of ffw Mag! is already on newsstands in Brazil.
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It seems (to me) sartorially criminal to hide
this lovely lad in such hideous clothes. Yuck.
And why oh why does he feel that his beautiful
face would crack if he smiled? Double yuck.
I suspect that the photographer and stylist are
are largely at fault for both "crimes"--excessively
bad outfits and no smile. All poor Max could do
was respond to orders and collect his fee, hopefully
a generous one. Triple yuck.
Posted by: redbaron01 | 07/23/2010 at 10:46 PM