Too Hot For Monday: Jean Carlos In L'Officiel Hommes #20


Photographed by Milan Vukmirovic. View more after the jump.





Insanely hot. View more images at Morphosis.


omg jean is so so hot. amazing pics

I love pics #4 and #5. My tongue would be on overdrive if it were allowed to explore that abdomen!

He's "too hot" for any of the seven days! OUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHH!!!

He is a true brazilian beauty. We should be proud of him.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on, Gianecchini for Colcci?????????? pffffffffffff

He's one of the best Brazilian faces in recent years. He hasn't exploded on the scene but he's consistently booking jobs with the big players & I think it's only a matter of time before he books something huge like fragrance. I don't know about 'true brazilian' ... he has one of those looks that you really can't place, though that could be the essence of a 'true brazilian'. I always think he looks French for some reason. I'm sure the models/families/agents read this site, So Jean, what's your ethnic background?

amazing! hes one of my favorites ;D

he is too hot

Simply beautiful. B&W fotos are always more sexy than colour fotos. Jean Carlos, you ARE "insanely hot"!

Belas fotos!

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