Raquel Zimmermann, Alessandra Ambrósio, Coldplay, And The Gossip


Please explain what FARME 40 GRAUS means in English.

Farme comes from 'Farme de Amoedo', the one of the most gay friendly roads in Ipanema. And 40 graus means 40 degrees. Btw, isn't RedeTV! owned by an evangelic priest?

thanks, Eduardo
obviously, 40 degrees is Celsius, that's 104 F., otherwise, the show would be about ice dancing
and that wouldn't be very brazilian

in photos, I've seen Rede's owner, Amilcare Dallevo, wearing a black sweater with a white collar peeking out and it does make him look like a priest LOL -- but I don't know if he is. His wiki bio describes only his work in business + technology.

Raquel is most beautiful.

I wish I had a membership to the fashion spot forum.

*****Here is Juergen Teller putting a spell on Raquel with his penis******

*****Here's a collage made from the people at from brazil, with love******

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