Because it looks a little silly and cliché to me, and the chemistry between Jesus Luz and Cintia Dicker is clearly nonexistent, especially when compared to the Calvin Klein Jeans campaign with Eva Mendez and Jamie Dornan.
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Jesus is in love with the camera but not in a good way.
Posted by: Guilherme | 03/18/2010 at 05:04 PM
Looks totally fake.
Posted by: Lucius Vorenus | 03/18/2010 at 06:19 PM
He looks uncomfortable ... like he doesn't know what to do with a woman. I still find him attractive but not as a model.
Posted by: karim | 03/18/2010 at 07:41 PM
It all looks so staged...not natural at all.
Posted by: Steve | 03/19/2010 at 12:19 AM
Posted by: 2201 East | 03/19/2010 at 03:01 AM
Jesus looks always good... in the german tabloid-magazin "GALA" are more pictures of this campaign... anyone knows where we can find all pictures?
Posted by: ithsworld | 03/19/2010 at 06:21 AM
These photos look amateurish; the poses look fake and unconvincing as well!
Posted by: Eddwarm | 03/19/2010 at 09:11 AM
he´s so zoolander
Posted by: ralph | 03/19/2010 at 11:02 AM
I guess the only way to make Jesus "alluring" was to make Cintia editorially invisible. And it still didn't work. So you wonder why the real professionals in the business down here think so little of this guy.
Posted by: Kevin | 03/19/2010 at 11:13 AM
his eyes are expressionless
it is too stiff before the camera
Posted by: ben° | 03/19/2010 at 11:52 AM
This is about as provocative as a wet sock. The problem with Jesus is he always looks bored, if not mentally vacant. There's no fire, no passion, no charisma. I think the boy should just stick with his DJ-ing and leave modeling to the men.
Posted by: jamal49 | 03/19/2010 at 01:54 PM
He's just so effin bland. Never thought of him as a model, never will.
Posted by: matt | 03/19/2010 at 02:03 PM
This is getting really painful to watch! His career just continues to show how he is in way over his head as a model. Jesus is not to blame - he's a mediocre model at best. I'm sure he's doing the best he can ( I hate to think he's holding back anything )and he might even believe that he's a great model .
The ones to blame for his banal presence in this industry are the clients, photographers and art directors who believe that it's better to hire a C level model who is attached to a star, than it is to hire and an A level model who has a better look and a stronger presence on film. It's very insulting as a reader / consumer for me to believe that the fashion world thinks I'm clueless enough and so unsophisticated as to be impressed by a model with a clear lack of talent,just because he's Madonna's Boy Toy.
I would only be impressed with his work as a model if he was truly talented and produced a body of stunning images. Once again the world of near celebrity is some how mistaken as a superior substitute for talent , quality & artistry.
Posted by: vreelandschild | 03/19/2010 at 06:33 PM
I agree with vreelandchild. The people to blame are the people who keep booking him yet don't get good work out of him. Poor dude. He looks amateurish here. He's not a good model. But he can be good-looking and they should stop trying to photograph him like a regular interchangeable model and expect good results.
Posted by: s | 03/20/2010 at 09:44 AM
The sexual element in these pictures is sick. picture number 3... fisting?
Posted by: Lucas | 03/22/2010 at 12:52 AM