Vinicius Picolli By Lucio Luna


19-year-old Vinicius Picolli from Santa Catarina has just signed with 40 Graus Models in Rio. View more pictures of him after the jump.



Pictures by Lucio Luna courtesy of Sergio Mattos at 40 Graus.


He has beautiful eyes!

I hope, beginning in January of 2010, that other images of Brasilian men and women will begin to become the norm in all of the media. I want to see the comely men and the women of some hue who I saw in Rio de janeiro, Sao paulo, Curitiba, Bahia (Salvador), Manaus, the Amazon, Petropolis, Foz Ig..., and Paraty. the places where I've spent time and enjoyment!

Fortunately for me I have holidayed in all of the wonderful places as mentioned above, starting in 2002 and tentatively ending in 2007. I anticipate returning to "Mother Brasil" in March or April of 2010. I also have ideas about my being there in 2016 although I will truly be a senior citizen at that time-- hoping to still be fresh and lively physically and mentionally!

one more boy at 40 graus in the middle of so many who aren't well worked/useful!

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