Cycle 3 Of Brazil's Next Top Model Is On (And I'm Rooting For The Dyke)


What works this season:

  • Fernanda Motta finally let go of trying to act like Tyra, and looks comfortable (and freaking gorgeous) in her own skin as the show's host.
  • Designer Dudu Bertholini as a judge. Love him and everything he has to say.
  • Some of the girls could actually be models, and none of them is plus size or under 5'7".
  • The lesbian contestant twist, and the fact that the lesbian in question hit the runway in a skateboard. I am so already rooting for her.

What doesn't work:

  • The lighting is still beyond atrocious.
  • Carlos Pazetto is still not and will never be Jay, not even if he bleaches his hair platinum. Plus the fact that he never takes off his aviators is both annoying and freaky.
  • The camera work and the editing is just so bad and cheap sometimes it feels like I am watching The Blair Witch Project. That and all the slow motion takes need to be limited to a maximum of three per episode.

And finally, how come in a model-obsessed country like Brazil only 3,000 girls applied to compete in the show? Makes no sense to me.

For videos of the first episode (and dyke of the season Giovahnna), visit Brazil's Next Top Model.


É porque não é na globo, quantas meninas vc acha que se inscreveram para o Menina Fantástica???? Só em Santa Catarina foram 1200 meninas .... não é todo mundo que tem acesso a tv por assinatura. Pelo menos isso facilita a vida da produção e um monte de fubá não enche o saco se achando a próxima Gisele.

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