New Kid On The Block: Marcílio Lobo



It is great to see a model with facial hair for a change. There is something very Lorenzo Martone-esque about him, no? And just how perfect is the fact that his last name is Lobo?

Marcílio is represented by Unique in Brasília, and something tells me you will be seeing a lot more of him here on MIB.


(Image Source)


Really beautiful. I love the beard.

Another rising star to be sure!

Last 2 pics are really great,he deserves good photographers to frame that beauty.

He also deserves good lovers to appreciate that beauty.


Yes Lucius,would you volunteer to*help*to appreciate that beauty?


I'm the first in the line to get him!

I'd definitely volunteer to test this young pup's beauty! He seems to be so fresh and virginal!

very "boyfriend" cute, but not model material. and yes, i would LOVE to have a boyfriend this cute (alas i probably never will), but for commercial modeling he's not up to snuff.

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