You Must Watch This Trailer From Beginning To End

Do Começo Ao Fim (or From Beginning To End) was directed by Aluizio Abranches, and may become the one of the most controversial Brazilian movies ever produced. The release date has not been announced yet, but I can already tell you that I have never looked forward to a Brazilian movie more than I am looking forward to this one.


Seems like a true gem.

Can't wait...


There is a short film, which played at the LA Gay & Lesbian Film Fest, called Starcrossed, with a very similar premise.

Can't wait to see. Fantastic !!! When it will be released ?

It goes into uncharted territory: Incest between two brothers. I like it. I will watch it.

Omg, this looks really interesting, I really want to see this; and those actors that play the two older brothers are gorgeous, the curly headed one is so adorable

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I love this blog

whoa indeed.

fantastic! the fact is it coming from Brazil makes it even more exciting.

This will be the next Amor Estranho Amor. Can't wait to see it. :)

Jesus. Two of my biggest turn-ons are Brazilian men and brothers. I may not be able to see this film in a theater.

you know... it looks like a really interesting and good film, but the fact that the two grown up actors are HOT, discloses this as little more than jerk off material.

From what I can tell they are not related by blood. In one scene the father says to "your child" and then the mom say's "to our children". And in another scene the father says "He is my son!" when the oldest boy comes to protect the youngest. It looks very good and I hope I will be able to find it in America.

Lindo mesmo... Só isto essrvia como uma bela curta. estou desejoso de o ver em portugal

I posted it in Carioca early and now i'm trying to get some interview w/ director to know more.

Já quero demais fazer fila no cinema pra assistir a este filme!!! =DDD!

I cannot wait to see this movie! Hopefully they will screen this film in Los Angeles. Acting seems great as well! The film will probably garner a Oscar nom for best foreign picture.. I can see it already..

Interesting - IMDB doesn't list the film at all.

Wow! There is something very provocative about brothers as lovers. The threat of incest does not seem so verboten. It might help that they are gorgeous and underscored by Phillip Glass, lol.

Oh my God i think i just had a film orgasm (its when you discover a really good movie trailer and you get the greatest excitement ever). I havent had that since seeing the trailer and watching the film itself-> Love of Siam and Shelter last year.
Yeah I agree with one of the guys here this movie is loosely similar to Starcrossed. The cast from that short film are hot too but played by Americans. I hope it doesnt end the same way as the short film.
Thanks so much for posting the trailer it truly made my day!!

Any information on release date?

The movie looks great to me but I can smell some backlashes against our community from the bigotry.

Presque Rien meets Nelson Rodrigues..... I am looking forward to it!

Todo mundo ficou chocado (mas com vontade de assistir) aqui na agencia e ta rolando maior burburinho nos blogs e twitter. Sabia que era so o phelipe colocar no pp pra comprovar o bafafa. TAva na duvida qto a repercussao gringa, mas to vendo aqui pelos comments q os gringos tao interessados tb. vai ser bafo.

Wow! Thanks for informing us about this film. I can't wait to see it. I hope it will play here in NYC.

To doido pra ver! COM CERTEZA um dos mais bonitos e profundos filmes nacionais!

Finally, someone will hopefully make a legitimate non-pornographic movie about this beautiful subject.

I hope I can see this movie in France.

Interesting to see how gay cinema keeps using gay fantasies for their story-boards: in this case, swimmers and incest, lol!

This film uses the same soundtrack of Good Bye Lenin

Wow this is very interesting, would love to watch it. I bet they won't let movies like that come out in America

when is this movie showing?

Oh damn....I will find a way to see this at one of the indie film theatres in NYC, whenever it's released in the States.

"Is this forever...."


I can't remember where exactly, but I read that the film has a tentative release date for August 2009. Can anyone confirm?
I am truly looking forward to this film. :)

Wow this movie will rock,the trailer made gave the chills, I love the song, I love the actors, and I love the theme, I think its more than incest bettewn 2 half-brothers, Its more about true love and life, I like this kind of international films.

damn this sounds hot

IMDb website, btw:

release date 27/11/09

more informations look at the Fabio S. LIMMA's twitter

Looks good but whomever made this trailer stole the iconic music from the film "Good bye Lenin"

J'espère voir un jour ce film. Le bref film visionné est tout simplement superbe. Les deux acteurs sont merveilleux.

Un film d'amour, de tendresse. Bravo !

I hope to see this movie. This short movie, I saw, is absolutely gorgeus. The two men-leading actors are wonderful.

A love, romance movie.

Any idea if this is coming to DVD soon?

Love is live no matter what.. people sould understand that!

I was lucky enough to see this amazing movie twice this week at the OUTFEST Film Festival in Los Angeles. It is so touching, and beautiful and incredibly hot. These two half brothers have an amazing story that is wonderfully realized in 'From Beginning to End' Really perfect performances from the leads to the supporting. The mother is spectacular and beautiful. BRAVA! to the brave film maker and stunning cast.

I recently saw this film at OUTFEST in Los Angeles.
I am a film maker so I appreciate avant garde ideas.
THIS film is one of the most beautifully shot and orchestrated films I have ever encountered.
The production value- the locations, shot against the rain forest like hills, to the crystal blue waters of the beach are simply gorgeous.
The cinematography is to be commended.
The two lead actors (as adults) are also breath taking.
They are stunningly attractive and the passion that erupts from them is intense.
"Sensuous" is the best description for this film- visually and emotionally and passionately sensual and artistic.
Coming from a straight woman, take it for what it is worth.
See it. Experience it for yourself.

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