Too Hot For Monday: Renato Ferreira


As promised yesterday, more pictures of model Renato Ferreira by photographer Lucio Luna.



All pictures at MIB by Lucio Luna courtesy of 40 Graus Models.


I still thinking that why a lot of posts about that guy. Am I crazy? Or more colegues thinks like me? He isn't beautiful. He is better in these photos as the photoshop worked hard, anyway.

awesome body and these pics are very nice, the thing is that he doesn't have the brazilian touch eg edilson has. he could be just another "average" us college boy a&f model. just like brazilian dj with mix without any brazilian influence, or mib podcast without one brazilian tune.

Gotta testify - Carnival in Brazil by DJ Hector Foncesa has some Brazilian music.

I really like the shot in the top left corner. Interesting debate on what "is" Brazilian. For a long time here I've read requests for more afro-Brazilian coverage.

I agree with sam - the shots and styling are generic. Where's a good model without a photographer's vision?

As I could see, always someone has to say something bad about me, before was my face, now that has a picture of my face, it is the photographer that made a good fotoshop use.
you guys don't know me, never saw me, and also I am not seeing your pictures here or in any other web site.
I am a beginer, I started not more than a month ago, modeling. So all I ask is, for you guys being more patient, because I still am nervous and don't feel myself during the photo shoot. Give me at least 6 more months, than we compare all the pictures, manly the polaroids (my fist pictures ever taken, even before the book, when I didn't know what the heck I was doing).
I also would like to thank the people that are supporting me, with the good coments, helpful advices, showing to other friends my pictures, etc. I really appreciate it!
Sorry for anything I've said that might offend anyone around and for my bad english.


Renato Ferreira.

Renato don't listen to them
They're just jealous!
You are just starting out, and there is always room for improvement, but you look great. No joke.
Don't stop just because of what people say. They have no life criticizing people on their looks all day.
I know someone who believes in you :)
as well as all of us in Calgary


He is gorgeous, what a beautiful boy. I am proud to see another Brazilian bombshell in the making. Don't mind the haters Renato, vc 'e um gostoso da cabeca aos pes. ;)

Great photos, especially the close up and one with his hand in front of his eyes. I think he would look great in Abercrombie and Fitch ads.

That's a very sweet and genuine post. Two wonderful qualities for a model to have.

I think that it's hard for any artist to separate themselves from their work. But the artist always has infinite potential. It's the work that is only one effort.

Best of luck to you. We come into our own when we listen to ourselves. Destiny is determination. I'll be watching for you in the future!

I would love to be the woman on his arm! I love these pictures. He is not only eye candy but he is also incredibly sexy and handsome. What a stunning and attractive looking man. He has such a charming and magnetic look to him. WOW! His body is so athletic, strong and muscular. I hope we continue to see more pictures of his work. He will be successful!

omg i feel so bad....... i wrote bad things about him before but after reading his reply, i feel ashamed. sometimes we are so critical about everything it sucks..

go boy, go do your work!

Renato, do not listen to the negative comments that have been made about you. You are absolutely beautiful and have a great modelling career ahead of you. All you need is a positive attitude and a desire to work hard and strive to do alittle better each and every day. The people who have criticized you are probably jealous as another commentator has stated, and certainly not as good-looking as you are. Everybody has to start somewhere. Even Edilson looked quite ordinary in some of his early work! The author of this blog once stated that he was already getting tired of Edilson! So you see people have many varied opinions, and you have to just ignore the ones who are criticizing you and not let them get you down. Just keep doing what you know is right in your heart and you will be fine. Keep-up your great work. We love you here in the USA!

renato, after writing my comment i began to think i'd probably see the brazilian bit in you if i saw a video. reading your response had the same effect. and it's not that you're not good enough looking, "average" a&f guys do look gorgeous...

you seem to be taking your career seriously and have a great personality, i'm sure it will come through in your work when you relax and work with more photographers.

um abraço,

This whole situation here is absurd.

Renato ... Seriously, don't listen to anything negative ... Especially a bunch of Queens on a website! The only opinions that matter are your agents, clients & your own ... They are the 3 forces that will make your career, not some random commenters on a website about Brazil who know nothing about the fashion industry & it's inner workings! Just laugh negativity off & get a thick skin, you'll need it in Milan.

P.S - Those who are going on about 'looking Brazilian' get a god damn grip you idiots! Seriously, do you need to look a certain way to be deemed Brazilian? Hell No!


Renato, you are handsome, your body is exquisite, your face is beautiful and I hope to see more and more pictures of you. I also hope you have a successful career with modeling. Also, don't pay attention to some of the haters here. They only WISH they could be a model.

You are GORGEOUS and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. My only suggestion is you smile more for pictures!

Renato is very beautiful and very elegant!! It takes time to develope the sense of camera in a model....look back at any of the now famous models and you will see the same "innocence"!!! I for one think Renato is very beautiful!

I know that any rejection can be taken as cruel, but we have to be honest. I don't think Renato is or will ever be in the same league as the Brazilian top male models, not because he is inexperienced, but because he is not beautiful enough. He does have a perfect body, really wonderful, but his face is not extraordinary. And to be a top model you must have an extraordinary face. There MUST be magic. Like Evandro's. Like Camiloto's.

Renato may not go to the very top, but he can still be a successful model. Nobody is perfect. Or almost nobody. That is all I have to say about this.... I am sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings!

Renato, you are awesome. Not only are you beautiful, but you have such a sweet personality. I can´t belive that anyone would be so cruel to someone they dont even know. I still can´t belive that you just started! Wow, for sure you are going to make it big in this world. It must be hard, but look past the negative comments! You have such a future a head of you.

que é bonito não deve nada , eu particularmente ,gosto do tipo

His physique is incredible!

@thomas are you straight?


Renato, you are AMAZING! I am confident that you are going to be a TOP model some day soon! Stay sweet and all the best to you!!

Different people like different types and different designers / bookers prefer different types. Renato seems much more professional and polished than someone who just started. I am sure he will find a lot of jobs that want his clean, athletic, open look. His looks also make him more adaptable for various roles than some other models where one either wants *that* look or not. His pictures definitely attracted my attention and I wish him much success. Boa Sorte, Renato!

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