Working The Kilt In Ipanema


How freaking cute is that picture? Still on their Brazilian getaway, Marc and Lorenzo went shopping in Ipanema on Saturday afternoon. More pictures after the jump.






Cutest gay couple ever. They have that great way of looking deep into each other's eyes that's just mahvahlous.

Looks like an Osklen bag ...

Oh Puhleez. Its beginning to look like Britney's icky Circus!

Very cute, Lorenzo is huge!!!

Lucas, that's his wallet, not what you think it is.

That's a Osklen bag for sure.

I need a man.

I always believed if I didn't have to stand on my tiptoes to kiss him, a man wasn't all enough. Good choice, Marc!

Nothing is supposed to look better on a masculine man with well-developed legs than a kilt, but on Mark Jacobs it looks effeminate. It only helps the kilt be an object of ridicule. Mark is cute though.

Hey therre's hope for all, the met through MySpace if you can believe it. I think Mark is a tad short of testosterone but what is wrong with that, he looks good in that. I would look like I was doing a major OD on X. I think it's his man purse, where else in that outfit is going to put anything?

When you look like that guy you can wear anything you want.

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