An International Custody Battle

I try not to get very political here on the blog, but the case below was brought to my attention, and I feel it is my duty to bring awareness to it when not much has been mentioned in the Brazilian media about it. Watch the story in the news link below.


Dad's Brazilian custody battle intensifies (abc News)

Read more about the case at Bring Sean Home. Brazilian magazine Piauí is the only national vehicle to have written about the story so far. I hope other Brazilian news vehicles will follow. It is a shame that the Brazilian government has failed to act on the case, and allegedly tried to cover it.

David Goldman will be a guest on On the Record tonight on Fox. Updates about the case in Portuguese are available at Superior Tribunal de Justica.


Yeah we even hear about that here in México...but why is that if the mother is dead the step-father still have thi kid? he is not even family.
That boy should be with his father

What kind of Stepfather is that? He clearly has no morals ... any normal person would want to see a child reunited with their sole surviving parent surely? Technically he's holding a US citizen hostage ... couldn't it be classed as kidnapping? The Brazilian Government should be made to act ... & quickly!

So,Why aren't his laywers going wiyh him? And what does the U.S.A do now.Hey lawyers give him his money back.

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