Brazilian Kids Take On Britney's "Womanizer"

It seems that Beyoncé is not the only one being copied these days. Brazilian kids Valmir and Josy have put together their own version of Britney's Womanizer, shower scenes and all.

You know you have a real fag hag on you when she agrees to do something like that.

Video via Papel Pop.


He hates the girl!!!! rsrsrs



i imagine his parents were out of town for the day and he invited his hag over to record their video!!!! love it! props to both of them for rocking the Britney!!!!

Too bad he did not do the sauna scene

Very cute, lots more fun than Britney.

They did not care much about mise-en-scène, but they tried to express themselves creatively.

They lip sync so much better than Brittney does! I see so many queens in Brasil butcher lip sync-ing English. These kids ROCK!

Awesome!!! I wish I had a friend help me out like that when "Borderline" came out back in the day!!! lol


LOVED IT! These kids have a future in the entertainment industry!

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