Primetime Soap "A Favorita" Gets My Gay Vote

Globo networks may have never aired a gay kiss in one of its soaps, but it deserves some credit for the work its current primetime soap A Favorita is doing in terms of educating the Brazilian population about homosexuality.

In this past Saturday's episode, one of the characters defended a lesbian chef who had just been outed and had her restaurant boycotted by the people of the small fictitious town of Triunfo. I took the time to translate the scene.

"Is Stela (the lesbian character) a criminal? Doesn't she pay her taxes just like the rest of us? She actually does more than most of us. She came to this town, opened a restaurant, and hired several people, generating revenue. ...So if no one has anything against her personally, why choose to boycott her restaurant?"

When a religious town lady answers that Stela is a pervert and sets a bad example for the community, the reply is: "Why? Because she likes women? Is that some sort of flaw? A crime? Cheating on your husband, cheating on your wife, stealing, selling alcohol to minors, and gossiping, you are all okay with that; but love, and falling in love with someone of your same sex, that is something you cannot cope with."

It may not have the same impact when translated, but it was the most honest and important pro-gay speech I have seen in a national soap. I hope it will resonate with viewers across the country.

Related: A Hot Lesbian Coming Out


Actually, Globo did show a gay kiss already... maybe two. I'm certain of one, with Aline Moraes... look for it... and the other I am thinking of was with a male actor, I don't remember his name, but he was the son of actress Eliane Giardini on the show.

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