The Week Announces Gay Pride Schedule

I can't believe Gay Pride in São Paulo is only a month away, and I can't believe the event turned into a second Carnival in the country, with five days of parties lined up.

Nightclub (and gay mecca) The Week has already released its schedule for Gay Pride, so check it out:

Wednesday, May 21st: Babylon International Connection with DJ Isaac Escalante.
Thursday, May 22nd: The Week's Angels Visits Pacha with guest DJ Paulo.
Friday, May 23rd: Toy 4th Year Anniversary with DJ Chris Cox.
Saturday, May 24th: Girassol Day Party with Matinée Group at Club Regatas Tietê, and Babylon Special Edition with DJs Peter Rauhofer and Offer Nissim spinning at the same night.
Sunday, May 25th: Nova Pool Party with Matinée Group.

The club's resident DJs João Neto, Renato Cecin, and Pacheco, will also be spinning on most nights.

Expect a full party schedule of São Paulo Gay Pride early next month. I will be covering most of the parties live, and am planning tons of new features for this year.


I really hope for a more optimist coverage of the event this year. ;)

I will not be attending the parade this year, but will definitely try to hit the parties and register everything.

All though it may be the biggest, you should warn guys,,,that it is not safe. Your whole country is about the haves and have not,,,I know,,,,been to your country many times!

Robert what do you mean, the haves and have not ?

And about "that is not safe"? Last year there were around 3.5 million people in the parade and there was no serious occurrence. When you've got this amount of people of course you need to be careful, doesn't matter if it is in Sao Paulo, NY, London....

Aaalisson, I think you very well know what Robert meant when he wrote "the haves and the have nots!" The class distinctions are quite distinct in Brasil as in some other countries-- very visible.

But I wonder why Robert wrote what he did! What does the social strata have to do with Gay Pride?

Also, in terms of "Gay Pride," I hope other activities will transpire besides "parties!"
I think there will be but am surprised that this facet is only mentioned in this particular blog today!

I happen to think that Pride in Sao Paulo should be more about advances in gay rights than parties, but unfortunately, as I mentioned, it became some sort of gay Carnival.

On a positive side, it does bring a lot of tourists to the city (and the country) and raises awareness to gay issues in the media. Am curious to see what will happen this May after all the issues with safety last year.

Okay so this is my first time commenting on this or to be honest any blog.

I also agree that Gay Pride week should be a time for making more visible gay rights issues in the city and even country. Why not use this platform which will be bringing so many people to Brazil. The event is going to get so much coverage just because of it's size, it would be a great time to speak out.
Perhaps we could begin by making a list of issues that should be brought to the forefront and people can start thinking about ways to push them in this next month.

Instead of wishing that gay pride was not just about parties, what can be done about it?

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