The Boys Of Fashion Rio And SPFW

Last season I met a girl in Rio who turned out to be one of the sweetest and coolest people I have ever met. I was thrilled to see her again this season, and asked her again to send me a compilation of her favorite pictures of the boys who were in the country for the spring shows.

Click HERE to check out the result in an exclusive picture gallery. I think you will like the images just as much as I did.

Thanks to Maria Sanz for sending her pictures to Made In Brazil. Aside from being the best dressed girl I know, she is also a talented writer. Make sure to visit her blog No Provador for her take on fashion.


That first guy in the upper left is a BABE! I want to lick him all over.

I concur with Krishawn; the guy is scorching.
I saw his pic yesterday and fell in love with him and his handsomeness!

Hey, I added you to my blogroll. Could you take a look and see if my site is worthy to be on your roll? :-)

Hey, I added you to my blogroll. Could you take a look and see if my site is worthy to be on your roll? :-)

It's so good to see MEN again, with all those anorexic boys in Paris.... *sigh*

My God!!!!!!!!

Wow Dios stan divinso esos hombres!!

Those guys are so damn gorgeous!!

Thats a MAN!!!!

The first and second picture.. thast HOT!

who is the guy in the upper left hand corner?

The guy in the upper left is called Edgar Graça Mello

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