Gisele's Much Talked About Interview

The big gossip item in the country this week was Gisele's interview on Allure simply because she mentioned that she gained 15 pounds after she quit smoking two and a half years ago. My favorite quote from the article, however, was: "I'm always saying that I am only successful because of my boobs and my hair." You gotta love her for that.

Gisele is confirmed to make another sexy appearance on the runway for Colcci at Fashion Rio in June (rumors are that she may even sport a bikini). Images from her new ad campaign for Brazilian jeweller Vivara are after the jump.

Scans of Allure magazine via Bellazon.


Only famous because of her body and hair? How about the 'ugly' face of hers? ;-)

she's almost turning me str8...

She is wonderful!

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