The Forbidden Fruit

If you haven't spent the last week under a rock, you are probably sick and tired of hearing about GQ's interview with Brazilian bombshell Adriana Lima. She claims "sex is for after marriage," but with all those hot models on the set of the Steven Klein shoot, I am wondering if she has changed her mind. Click to enlarge.

More pictures of Adriana and the boys at


It was more believable when Britney said it.

it's upsetting that no one believes her.
she was studdying to be a Nun in brazil for gods sake.

wasn't she with lenny kravitz....i'm so sure he was ok with "saving sex for marriage". sorry minha xará, but i don't buy it...

She was going to be a nun, she goes to church every sunday, no one has said "I did too have sex with Adriana" some girls, even super models wait.

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