Gay Billboard Censored In São Paulo

BeijogaybillboardThe new billboards featuring two men kissing to promote Affair condoms were removed today from the streets of São Paulo because they were considered "inappropriate" by the city government.

No official comments have been released yet, but I hope the same thing does not happen in Rio.


Attacked on the beach and now the signs torn down what is next

Are the government trying to show their discrimination towards gay men??? Anyway, Brazilian men are damn HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wish i could go there someday...

For the homophobes, two guys kissing is more offensive than two guys fucking.
There is a website that is a collection of bearded men kissing...

Grow up and smell the cum. Life is real and has all sorts of realities...let's get real... the gay granpa with my grandson and daughter. It is time to be adult...two men kissing is not a it? Bob Bruman

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